
Here you can find the scores and audio materials of many of my works. Take a look at the end of my media page to get to know what other pieces I am currently working on.
  • Music with backs turned, for violin, double bass, and piano (July 2024) – Premiered by Gerdan Ensemble and Daniel del Pino, September 24, 2024 (Washington DC, USA) [PDF]
  • My grandpa used to braid esparto grass for hours under the shadow of the fig tree, for symphony orchestra (July 2024) – Premiered by Georgia Tech Symphony Orchestra, September 16, 2024 (Atlanta, USA) [PDF]
  • Music to watch a puddle dry, for flute and tape (December 2023) – Premiered at Francisco Rojas' master's recital, June 26, 2024 (Gent, Belgium) [PDF, audio track]
  • Echaron abajo una casita cubierta de hiedra que me gustaba mirar de lejos (They tore down a little house covered in ivy that I liked to look at from afar), for soprano, alto flute, bass clarinet, percussion and piano (September 2023) – Premiered by CrossingLines Ensemble, November 27, 2023 (Madrid, Spain) [PDF]
  • Music to watch the clouds pass by on a windless day, for seven players (July 2023) – Premiered by Ensemble Ascolta and students of the akademie kontemporär 2023, September 30, 2023 (Hamburg, Germany) [PDF]
  • I don't expect anything from this afternoon; I will let time soften, stretch, open its seams and let the threads peek out from behind, for violin, bass clarinet, violoncello and percussion (May 2023) – Premiered by Norrbotten NEO at Musiikin aika (Time of Music Festival), July 9, 2023 (Viitasaari, Finland) [PDF]
  • Ya no siento el desplazamiento, los roces del tiempo (I can’t feel the displacement, the graze of time, anymore), for blinking lights, tape, two CD players, and offstage viola and piano (February 2023) – Premiered as part of VANG VI Festival of CentroCentro by Vertixe Sonora Ensemble, June 15, 2023 (Madrid, Spain) [PDF, audio tracks]
  • Fusilli con lentejas (Fusilli with lentils), acousmatic work (January 2023)
  • Brief Requiem for the Poets and Prayers, for chamber orchestra (December 2022) – Premiered by Avanti! Chamber Orchestra during Summer Sounds Festival, June 30, 2024 (Porvoo, Finland) [PDF]
  • Anti-Philosophy of the Subject; mankind’s origin is in its fellows, for oboe, violin, viola and cello (July 2022) – Premiered by Cuarteto Emispherio, March 5, 2023 (Seville, Spain) [PDF]
  • Ota yksi, maksa kaksi (Get One for the Price of Two), for two percussionists (June 2022) – Premiered by QDuo (Alejandro Sancho Pérez y José Antonio Caballero Rodríguez), February 24, 2023 (Segovia, Spain) [PDF, audio tracks]
  • Cum erubuerint infelices, for male choir (April 2022) [PDF]
  • Nanas de la cebolla (Onion’s Lullaby), for computer-generated sound (April 2022) – Premiered at the MuTeFest ’22 Festival of Music Creation with Technology, at the Sibelius Academy, November 30, 2022 (Helsinki, Finland)
  • Where Are the Workers Now? Sound-installation (April 2022) – Premiered at Tampere Biennale 2022
  • Theme and Variations after “Alle menschen mussen sterben”, for organ (February 2022) – Premiered by Leevi Lipponen at the WeW!22 Contemporary Music Festival, November 19, 2022 (Turku, Finland) [PDF]
  • How Difficult It Is to Cry Today, for piano, cello and tape (February 2022) – Premiered by Defunensemble at the Sibelius Academy, March 30, 2022 (Helsinki, Finland) [PDF, audio tracks]
  • Allegory of the Five Industrial Forces, concerto for piano and orchestra (January 2022) – Premiered by the Île-de-France National Orchestra at Philharmonie de Paris, July 1, 2022 (Paris, France) [PDF]
  • El niño yuntero (Child of the Plough), for piano quintet (November 2021) – Premiered by Orchester im Treppenhaus at the Composer Slam Europe, February 24, 2022 (Hanover, Germany) [PDF]
  • Three Everyday Scenes, for symphony orchestra (November 2021) – Workshopped by the Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra in March 2022 [PDF]
  • Alienation for computer-generated sound (September 2021) – Premiered during the IMMEDIA Nordplus intensive course, at the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theater, September 16, 2021 (Vilnius, Lithuania)
  • Hunger and Fear Bred Anger, for cello, percussion and piano (July 2021) – Premiered by K!ART Ensemble at the Uuden 2021 Musiikin Lokakuu October 3, 2021 (Oulu, Finland) [PDF]
  • Variaciones sobre un tema burgués (Variations on a Bourgeois Theme), for txistu, accordion and percussion (June 2021) – Premiered by Trio Zukan at the XIX Spanish Music Festival of Cádiz, November 20, 2021 (Cádiz, Spain) [PDF]
  • Grito al cielo (Scream to the Sky), based on Lorca poems and the Spanish folklore, for wind quintet (April 2021) – Premiered by Glauka Quintet within the project Conjuro at the 27 Encuentros Manuel de Falla, Manuel de Falla Auditorium, November 27, 2021 (Granada, Spain) [PDF]
  • Hugs Catalogue, for eleven players (April 2021) – Premiered by Zagros Ensemble at the Sibelius Academy, May 10, 2021 (Helsinki, Finland) [PDF]
  • Homage to Gendy, computer-generated sound (April 2021)
  • Tiento, computer-generated sound through GenoMus, collaborative composition with José López-Montes (March 2021)
  • Music for the Masses, for Bass clarinet / Bb clarinet and tape (March 2021) – Premiered by Mikko Raasakka at the 59th Music Panel, November 11, 2022 (Osijek, Croatia) [PDF, audio track]
  • How to Escape from Reality (= How to Be Very Selfish) (= How to Forget That You Are Not Alone on Earth), computer-generated sound (December 2020)
  • The Worn-Out Factory, computer-generated sound (November 2020)
  • Smoochy Series, computer-generated sound: no. 1 Caressing You till My Fingers Bleed, no. 2 Closing My Eyes, Smiling and Touching Your Hair Again, no. 3 There Is a Party in My Mouth and You Are Not Invited, and no. 4 Your Arm Is Touching Mine. But I Do Not Care Any More (July-September 2020)
  • Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland, computer-generated sound (August 2020)
  • El casetero, traditional pasodoble for wind band (July 2020) – Premiered by the Municipal Band of Casetas, 2020 (Aragón, Spain) [PDF]
  • Deconstrucción de un referente (A Referent’s Deconstruction), for seven instruments (July 2020) – Premiered by the OCAZEnigma Ensemble at Queen Sophia Museum, November 24, 2020 (Madrid, Spain) [PDF]
  • Plastic Hugs, Emptiness, for alto/soprano saxophone, percussion and tape (July 2020) – Premiered by Honk and Bonk! (Cassandra Roache y Bryan Wysocki), as an arrangement for bassoon and percussion at the Music by Women Festival of Columbia, March 2, 2023 (Mississippi, US) [PDF, audio tracks]
  • You, just a Person Made of Pastic, for violin, clarinet and piano (May 2020) – Premiered by Zodiac Trio at the DiMenna Center of New York, October 28, 2021 (NY, US) [PDF]
  • Pleberio’s Weeping, computer-generated sound (May 2020)
  • Stunt Fall no. 6; Relative Distance, for flute and computer-generated sound (April 2020) – Premiered remotely by Francisco Rojas Huertas, 2020
  • Abstractions II, for bassoon and piano (February 2020) – Premiered by Manuel Angulo at the 6th National Congress of AFOES, September 3, 2022 (Barcelona, Spain)
  • Abstractions IIb, for violin and piano (arrangement) – Premiered by Yonatan Quemado and Niina Ranta at the Hietsun Paviljonki, May 27, 2021(Helsinki, Finland) [PDF]
  • Midnight Fugues Series for piano: in F, C, G, D, E, A and B (November 2019 - January 2021) – Not performed [PDF]
  • Dos Fughettas or violin and piano, (arrangement of on A and on B from Midnight Fugues) – Premiered by Grupo Cosmos 21, February 28, 2024 (Madrid, Spain) [PDF]
  • Cello Concerto; Five Pieces of Advice (October 2019) – Premiered remotely by the Île-de-France National Orchestra in April 2021 [PDF]
  • Overthinking III, for flute, viola, bassoon, cello and piano (September 2019) – Premiered by the Contemporary music ensemble of the Royal Higher Conservatory of Music of Madrid, December 19, 2019 (Madrid, Spain) [PDF]
  • La mar cuajada, for symphonic band (August 2019) – Premiered by the Symphonic Band Ateneo Musical de Mieres, March 8, 2020 (Asturias, Spain) [PDF]
  • Overthinking I c, for viola, cello, bass clarinet, percussion and piano (August 2019) – Premiered at the at Queen Sophia Museum, November 18, 2019 (Madrid, Spain) [PDF]
  • Overthinking II, for flute and loop station (July 2019) - Not performed
  • Algo (Something), for violin, clarinet, cello and piano (June 2019) – Premiered by the Ensemble ACIM, October 5, 2019 (Málaga, Spain) [PDF]
  • Logbook, seven daily reflections, for solo piano (February 2019) – Not performed [PDF]
  • Logbook, seven daily reflections, for symphony orchestra (arrangement) – Premiered by Málaga’s Philharmonic Orchestra, May 12, 2022 (Málaga, Spain) [PDF]
  • Edades (Ages), for wind quintet and piano (January 2019) – Premiered by Glauka Quintet at the Royal Higher Conservatory of Music "Victoria Eugenia", July 2019 (Granada, Spain) [PDF]